Thursday, May 7, 2009

i like dogs with stuff

i'm pretty convinced nature took an evolutionary turn for the worse when humans started putting costumes on their domesticated pets. however, i will admit that's fun to look at... just, i wouldn't ever do it.

my roommate and i both burst out laughing when this picture came up. those poor little dogs. whatever their gender was before, they are now old maids, doomed to massage their aching bones and knit booties for their grandpuppies, who call them "babushka" and don't appreciate the five dollars sent to them on birthdays.

also, this is hilarious. that poor dog's face.

it should be a mandate that all boston terriers be required to wear blue disco wigs. think of how great the world would be.

hot doggies
chihuahua on cheeseburgers

edit: found some more pictures

daschunds apparently have a proclivity towards the putting of stuff on their bodies.

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