Alright, I'll admit it.
I like wigs.
There I said it. Happy now?

Ok, I realize a little explanation may be in order.
This modest fascination with the cranial accessory may have begun at an early age, who knows, but it did not become entirely apparent until more recently, while watching/participating in an off-broadway show. The barrister style wig wearing DJ proceeded to spray the audience with a fire hose, and it was at that moment that I knew I liked wigs. Not necessarily wearing them myself (although I admit I have partaken on occasion) but maybe just the idea of them. It takes a certain something to stand up in front of a paying audience and show a blatant disregard for their personal moisture preferences, and I am inclined to believe that its the wig thats responsible for this.

and here is said barrister wig wearing DJ
Look at this jolly bunch sporting their barrister wigs
But wigs are not just for DJ's and old people. Animals too have benefited from them.

If this guy is happy, I'm happy.
I think its important to mention that I am not in favour of people who are actually bald wearing wigs. I feel that its cheating and should be stopped with extreme prejudice. You can't go around pretending all the time.
Face facts. Man up*. Case in point, this guy:
*Women don't actually go bald so this is not a sexist statement
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