so my mom's friend got back from italy a little bit ago and me and my mother had breakfast with him, and he was showing off his mont blanc wallet he got. i wasn't impressed. honestly, it's a wallet. wallets are only as good as the things you keep inside of them (namely, money) and unless it's gold-plated (see some previous posts) or like, renders the owner invisible at important moments, i generally don't really pay attention to them. however, my mom started saying something (like she does) along the lines of, "blah blah blah mont blanc is nice blah blah blah didn't they make really nice pens? blah blah blah..." and suddenly i started listening. see, i have this thing where i like pens. most people like pens, but the general majority take them for granted. up until recently i was part of that majority, but around the last couple of years ago i have noticed how much writing with a good (read: expensive, pretty) pen makes me happy. my mom works for ibm and so she gets these boxes of fancy corporate pens every once in a while, and i like to steal them and look at them and write with them.
but see, i don't actually know anything about pens, so basically my obsession (no... liking? interested observance? fondness?) for them has been limited to ogling the ones in the cases in places like office depot. but i've been doing some research on the internet, and apparently there are places where you can buy pens online. like, good pens. expensive pens. and boy, are they pretty.

you may think this looks like an average pen, but you're wrong and dumb. this is a beautiful pen. it probably cost more than the laptop you're using right now. (actually, i checked, and unless your laptop is like, scrap metal, it doesn't)

this one has three colors! THREE!

this is actually a mont blanc pen. i think i'm in love.

this pen, at a cost of $730,000, is apparently the most expensive pen in the world. i don't really like fountain pens though, probably because i don't know how to make them write.

oh my god this is a rolex pen. rolex makes pens. forget watches.
so that's probably enough about pens. i feel like i'm slowly alienating myself from the rest of the general public with this post.
oh, turns out he (my mom's friend) used to sell expensive pens. i could ask him, but then that would mean i'd have to admit to listening to him at one point or another. you'd understand if you met him.
caran d'archetri-color beautymont blancugly expensive onegoldilocks
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