Tuesday, May 12, 2009

i like bananas

No, forget liking bananas. I LOVE bananas. Phallic imagery aside, they are so good in my mouth. Bananas are literally the best fruit. LITERALLY the best. Everyone agrees. Everyone IMPORTANT (take that Nick).

Fun banana facts:
  • Bananas contain a BUNCH of potassium. Like, 450 mg of it. That's a lot. Don't believe me? How much potassium do YOU contain, mister?
  • Bananas usually grow in tropical climates, but they can grow in Iceland, in the soil heated by geysers. That's crazy! (actually, that doesn't sound right. check your facts)
  • Bananas once saved a kid's life in Honey, I Shrunk The Kid.
  • True story: I once made a website in my digital graphics class in high school all about bananas. It was great. It had all kinds of links and smart objects. It was like this post x 4.
  • The average Australian eats about 15 kg of bananas a year. That's stupid. Who measures weight in kilograms?
  • Bananas can cure depression... A little bit. They increase serotonin production (thanks b6 and tryptophan). I believe that, because I ate a banana, and I feel great now. Evidence: I'm capitalizing things.
Lies about bananas:
  • Bananas grow on trees. WOAH didn't think that was a lie, huh? Bananas are actually giant herbs. I'm pretty sure that's right. (edit: it is right. my roommate and i looked it up. bananas are tree imposters.)
Okay, that's enough about bananas. How about a picture:

This is for those of you that have never eaten anything besides peanut butter and jelly (my brother, circa 1996).

Bananas are the subject of one of my favorite pictures.

FACT: Bananas are the fanciest fruit.

I like bananas and you should too.

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