guys, i don't even CARE what you think anymore. i don't even care what ANYONE THINKS anymore. THE ONLY THING I CARE ABOUT ARE HOUSES. AHHHHHHHHHHHere are some more.

oh my god you guys my friend is going to italy, and when he told me that the first thing i thought of was how much i loved the hotel we stayed in when we went there, and how much this picture reminds me of it. it was completely luxurious and is probably definitely one of the main reasons i will/want to go back to rome. look at those curtains. THOSE ARE FESTOON CURTAINS.

so another deal i have is this thing with water environments. it could be because i'm a cancer, but i don't even care what it's due to, just so long as i have water around me somehow. if i had this room, or visited it, or just was in the general vicinity of it, i would literally cry tears of joy and then get naked and pretend to be a mermaid.

on the opposite side of the scenery spectrum we have this little woodsy-lookin' place. i like it. honestly, i probably couldn't spend a lot of time in it without getting a little bit claustrophobic, but for those days where you just want to curl up in a ball and hibernate, this setting seems perfect.

this is just plain ridiculous and for that reason absolutely perfect. one of the comments below the link suggested it would be even more beautifully superfluous as a bathtub, and i agree.

one of the things i've recently come across (but seems not to be an incredibly new event) is the idea of a conversation pit. i think if done correctly, it could be like the terrestrial version of a hot tub mixed with a kiddie playpen, but without the threat of soiled pants and wrinkled fingers (sshh, that makes sense).

okay, this is walking the line between "creatively/spiritually scattered" and "straight-up voodoo", but i think if you don't look at it too hard, it's a kind of simplistically majestic. i'd halfway expect fairies to pop out around the witching hour, or whatever. whatever.

this is amazing. my grandparents had an earth-shelter house, and i could never get over the fact that it was possible to run up on their roof. this is like that times a million beautiful things.

i don't even know what to say about this picture, except that i am now rearranging my room to resemble it exactly. and that it makes my insides smile. and that
it will be mine. somehow.
okay, that's enough for now. time to go explore MORE HOUSES MORE HOUSES MORE HOUSES.
"if i had this room, or visited it, or just was in the general vicinity of it, i would literally cry tears of joy and then get naked and pretend to be a mermaid."