Tuesday, July 28, 2009
i like filters
all these questions and more are going to be answered in today's highly technical blog post, brought to you by the left side of my brain.
first, let's get straight to the heart of the matter:
1) q. what are they?
a. filters are photographic accessories that, when used properly, can allow the photographer to alter or fine-tune the picture being taken. made out of either transparent glass or plastic, they come in handy whenever environmental conditions are not entirely desirable, or just not what you're looking for (i.e., not cool enough). filters either are screwed on the front of the lens (called the lens thread), or utilized via a lens mount, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like (for the hearing impaired: a little holder thing into which the filter slides). they do a bunch of different things, including but not limited to:
-color correctizing
-uv reduzing
-automatically making you look professional-zing
2)q. where did they come from?
a. uh, i think britain. the earliest record of existence i could find was an article describing how this one british guy was like, "it's all about primary colors, y'all."
3.)q. who do they benefit?
a. anyone. anyone in the world, ever. have you ever looked at a neat photograph and thought, "that looks neat"? someone was probably using a filter for it. you're welcome.
4.) q. who did they vote for?
a. sources say they voted for ross perot, but i heard a rumor they wrote in jay z. believe what you want.
5.) where can i find one?
a. i don't know. your camera store? online? i'm not your mother.
...yeah, that wasn't very technical.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I like Barbershop Quartets
Last Sunday I caught Zilker Theatre Productions' performance of The Music Man. Compared to last year's rendition of Beauty and the Beast, the show was abysmal. None of the actors were really at fault. The plot moved slower than a slowpoke walking through a molasses factory in a very slow way.

The Chocolate: Unintentionally funny references to author Honoré de Balzac. I don't think I need to spell that out for you.
The Vanilla: Prominent use of a barbershop quartet.
Barbershop quartets are remarkable for a few reasons.
Men are generally oafish and unappealing. Look in any men's magazine. It's full of women. Look in a women's magazine. Also full of women!
That's why it's so surprising when you get an acoustically pleasing product out of four otherwise uninteresting individuals.
Clip from a film version:
I don't think I'm the only one who enjoys this. Youtube commenters eat this stuff up:
maverick6589 (3 weeks ago)
the chord at 3:01 literally made me jizz in my pants
And finally, a funny one:
Monday, July 20, 2009
i like HOUSES
i really, really like houses. i don't really know what else to say, but it's not because i can't think of anything, but rather, i could say so much that i don't know where to start. houses, to me, are like the mecca of comfort. depending on the furnishings, a house is capable of going beyond its four(+) walls and becoming a place of unlimited possibilities, but my house has always been a place for me to recharge. a retreat, of sorts. for that reason, i love cozy little cottages and snug dens; basically, any place with warm lighting and a close-knit feel. i've taken to finding pictures off the internet of the houses/rooms i like, and here are some (read: a lot).

Thursday, July 9, 2009
i like OJ

seriously, we're talking like 4+ cups a day.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
I like Iranian Protesters
How attractive are these people? Let's ask current president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I do not know who has told you that we have it."That should be enough proof for anyone, but I've included some visual aids below.
---Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking at Columbia University
Simmering political anger has boiled over the crockpot of oppression, giving the West a rare glimpse into the zesty rice-based stew that is Iran. Check it out.

Suitors beware. Approach one of these pretty Persians and receive a dildo beating from the state police.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
i like eggs
eggs are a touchy topic. everywhere you look, someone is railing against eggs and spouting all their bad qualities, but i say enough is enough. eggs are here to stay, and you'd better get on the egg train before it leaves the station. mister.
people don't like eggs because they're high in cholesterol and are willing to banish them from the refrigerator for this fact before actually doing their research. eggs are high in cholesterol, yes, but it's saturated fats that make your blood goopy, not dietary cholesterol itself. it's complicated, i know. if you don't believe me, read a book.
people also don't like eggs because they're actually tiny chickens. i can see the logic in that. it's kind of weird, if you think about it really hard, but personally i'm not a fan of thinking really hard. i just like eggs. that's all. (disclaimer: we buy free-range hen eggs, so i'm really a good person, i promise)
reasons you should eat eggs:
1) they're vitanutritious. that means they're full of vitamins and are therefore nutritious. these vitamins include ones like choline (integral to the development of unborn kids' memories. ironically, eating fetuses is good for fetuses.), vitamin d, and vitamin k. eggs also contain all essential amino acids, but anyone with a brain could tell you that's because you're basically eating dna.
2) eggs contain carotenoids, which help lower the risk of developing cataracts. unborn cheepers are good for your peepers! haaaahahahah i should be on stage.
3) eggs are good for your hair and nails. they just are.
my favorite way of eating eggs is over medium. i like having the egg whites slightly goldened, with the yolk solid around the edge but yolky in the middle. or, if the yolk breaks (which it does, always), then i don't fry it for as long.
I like boats
I'm riding on a dolphin, doing flips and shit--A. Samberg, 2009
The dolphin's splashing, getting everybody all wet
But this ain't Seaworld, this is real as it gets
I'm on a boat, motherfucker, don't you ever forget.
Generally speaking, people shouldn't go in the water. Our stupid skinny limbs make for poor propulsive instruments in anything thicker than air. Plus our air-sucking mouth holes don't work very well below sea level. I know what you're thinking.
Water is a refreshing way to cool off in these hot summer months. That neighborhood pond is looking awful attractive right now. Wouldn't it be nice to take a short dip?
Don't go in there. You're just gonna flop around like an injured seal. You'll get all pond scummy and I'm gonna have to drag you out. Don't put everyone through that.
Turns out that you're not the only one who's jonesin' for the ocean. Humans have been trying to quench the collective urge to submerge for millenia. Frustrated with the aforementioned physical limitations of the human body, one Sumerian man decided to tell God to S his D (literally!). After yelling a string of obscenities at the sky, James P. Boat swore an oath to invent the boat. The rest is history.
Mr. Boat, Circa 10,000 BCE
Boats are the brilliant solution to the cosmic tragedy of humans and water. We want what we can't have. An analogy is in order. You can force your way into Salma Hayek's home (ocean) but you'll be severely beaten by a crack team of Mexican assassins (drown). In this example a boat would be like a chef's outfit. It will let you get way closer than you normally would and maybe even smell her hair.
Ms. Hayek christening a boat. I know, relevant.
More than a symbolic gesture of spite toward a vengeful creator, boats are more fun than a barrel of very fun things. I don't own a boat, but my uncle married into a family that does.
Side note: ladies, start your engines. Boat engines, that is.
The feeling of exhilaration you get on the front of a boat is hard to describe. The calm water whips by beneath you and cool wind shears overhead. You can't get the same effect on land. Not to mention boats come with a whole variety of fun activities. From skiing to waterboarding, they've got you covered.
Kayaks and canoes count too. Paddling to the middle of a calm lake is a serene experience unlike any other.
Only caveat: Don't be this guy.
Click to play.